Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Voice Recognition

As an original Mac user (1984), this is a great time to be alive. Because of the growing popularity of the Mac platform, I get to see new stuff come out for the Mac almost every day. One of my favorite new toys is voice recognition software called MacSpeech. It is based on a very popular platform but the software was made specifically for the Mac.

I bought it primarily to help one of my daughters in middle school. After testing it myself, I can see broad applications for business use.

It is much faster than typing. However, it changes the way you put information into a computer. Using a keyboard has been part of my writing process since I was in college. I often tell people that getting my Mac in college raised my grades by one full letter. So this B- student became an A- student almost overnight.

An interesting change this brings is that the stream of consciousness ideas that you can speak will be put onto a page on your computer. You get to sort them out and edit later.

By the way, this blog entry was written using MacSpeech.

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