Friday, September 25, 2009

Mike’s Wish List

Perhaps there are a lot of business owners like me right now. After a couple of years of solid growth where we invested a lot of money back into our business, we hit a bump. Clearly the Great Recession has impacted businesses far and wide.

Now we are watching every expense. Closely. That’s the new reality. But here is where I take it to my own level of tightwadness (not a word, but you know what I mean). For everything that is non-essential to our operation, but would be nice to have, I am creating a list. It’s my wish list. Some is for new stuff, some is for software updates.

If there are others like me living a life of small business delayed gratification there are consequences. That is pent up demand. When the economy improves and businesses start spending again, there will be a rebound effect. People like me will loosen up and start buying the stuff they held off on purchasing. It could be a big snowball.

On the other hand, if we all see we have done without things for so long, maybe we don’t need them after all.

Web Favorite — FontCapture

I have been messing with a website I found a few weeks ago. It is called FontCapture. It is a free service. The only thing it does is create a font from your handwriting. It is simple. And it works. You can create a font for both Mac or Windows.

What you get back, instantly I might add, is a complete font. A to Z, 0 to 9, plus punctuation. The slowest part of the process is writing out the template. But that doesn’t take too long either.

Here’s how you do it:

1. Download their template and print it out on your printer.
2. Print the letters as you would like them to appear.
3. Scan the template.
4. Send the template to FontCapture through their website.
5. Install your font on your computer.
6. Done.

Creating a cursive font is painstaking work, so you probably could not create a font of your writing, just your printing. All in all, its pretty cool. And did I mention it is free?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

International Literacy Day

September 8th is International International Literacy Day. While there aren't too many UN programs I would get behind, this is one of them.

• At least 1 in 7 people in the world cannot read.
• 776 million adults are illiterate.
• 75 million children are out of school.
• 30 million adults in the U.S. possess below-basic literacy skills.

Today only, use the coupon code 4LITERACY at BetterWorld Books and save 15% off their already low, used book prices. Plus they offer free shipping in the U.S. Your purchase will support literacy programs in the United States and around the world.